Cup of Encouragement – Coffee Klatch Board

Coffee Klatch Board

I’ve seen some really cute charcuterie boards on Pinterest and I hope to make one someday, but I tend to consume COFFEE way more than wine. That’s when the idea for a food pairing board, specifically aimed at coffee drinkers, came to mind. I gathered the ingredients from my local grocer and brought it all to my parent’s house to assemble. My mother actually came up with the name for the board, “Coffee Klatch”. The word “Klatch” has its origins in Germany. We do have some German heritage in our family. My mother also lived in Germany for a time…in a castle! Dreamy, right?! I love that story, I’ll have to tell it to you later, but there actually is a German word specifically for a meeting or conversation that happens over coffee, “Kaffeeklatsch”.

The way I chose my food items for the board came from my knowledge of a coffee flavor wheel. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at different ones and I now have one taped up by my coffee making station in the kitchen. This is the one I have printed and on my wall. Here is another one that is interactive and printable. These coffee flavor wheels will be your guide to creating a Coffee Klatch Board that your friends and family will enjoy!

In order to not go overboard in price, I chose to stick with a few fruits and some food items I could get from the bulk bins. For example, an entire bag of coconut shreds would have been more expensive than the small scoop that I needed for the board. I bought the nuts from the bulk bins too. It was much cheaper for me that way and then I didn’t end up with extra. I picked out the cheapest fruit options that looked the best and that I knew would pair well with my coffee selections. For the chocolate covered pretzels and peanut brittle, I got the store brand. This board did not include any pastries, but I’m hoping to do a larger Coffee Klatch Board soon to showcase what that could look like if you wanted some heartier offerings.

I have completed some coffee cuppings at home with various coffees from the grocery store, craft roasters, or local (to me) Texas roasters. Your best bet, if you want to choose a coffee outside what you normally purchase is to find a store that sells bulk coffee. You can get a few tablespoons of whole beans, of as many kinds as you want, so you can try a coffee cupping at home. Now, many coffee roasters label their beans with specific notes that they find during their own cupping process. These are helpful for directing you on whether you are getting a coffee with fruit, chocolate, earthy, or other notes. Read, discern, and think about what flavors you normally gravitate towards.

Some coffee shops sell their own roast or they choose a local roaster. Your local coffee shop should be able to help you choose a roast or two if you don’t have time to do a tasting at home. When I visit a coffee shop, I usually aim for their drip coffee of the day. I make it a point to ask them what they have on drip, so that I have an idea of what flavors might be present in the coffee. And if you aren’t sure when they say, “We have a roast from Peru today”, ask them about the notes you’ll find in that particular cup. Your barista is there to help you! Be sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see what coffee shops I am recommending in the DFW (Texas) area. Even if you aren’t in Texas…stop on by my page for some coffee images to brighten your day!

Coffee Klatch Board

The last and really most important thing to do is INVITE some friends or family over for coffee! Who knows what wonderful conversations will be had and how friendship connections will grow, when you get a group together to just enjoy some coffee. That’s really what this whole “Coffee Mama Bear” thing is about…friendship, encouragement, and coffee. We can ALWAYS use more of those things in our lives!

If you are a craftsman, artisan, maker of cute things, and you live in the DFW area, I would love to chat.
I also accept coffee donations…are you a coffee roaster?!
We can totally be friends. Like, right now.

Feel free to reach me at

Cup of Encouragement – Woodhouse and Company

Guinevere – Owner of Woodhouse and Co

This is our FIRST business profile here at Coffee Mama Bear! I stumbled upon Gwen’s Facebook page after a friend of mine posted cute pictures of her NEW custom made patio furniture that was delivered to her house! I immediately knew that I wanted to meet the maker of that cool furniture. After discovering her Facebook page, Woodhouse and Co, I messaged Gwen about taking some pictures of her work. I crossed my fingers that she would say “YES”! Low and behold, she wasn’t weirded out by me and she was fully on board with a photo shoot. Gwen is amazing, get ready to learn more about the heart and soul of her business…this is your cue to grab coffee. 😉

Woodhouse and Company was founded in 2017 and is owned and managed by Guinevere Sturch at her home in Mckinney, TX! Gwen is very personable, kind, hard working, and dedicated to her craft. She is also a stay at home mom and takes care of her two boys during the day. A prior military family, not too long ago they decided that Texas is where they wanted to plant their roots. Her husband is now a police officer and he assists Gwen with many of the furniture deliveries.

During the photo shoot Gwen told me of her passion for making sustainable and long-lasting furniture. “Wood is quicker to biodegrade than plastic”, she said and I agree! She also has experience in re-purposing furniture pieces so they can be saved from the landfill. Gwen seeks out local businesses for any paint supplies needed for her projects because she wants to do her part to support other small businesses as well.

Why the name Woodhouse? It turns out that their family dog inspired the name and Woodhouse just happens to be a good guard dog too. *RUFF* – see, he agrees. The wood working skills run in Gwen’s family as her father and grandfather are hobbyist wood workers. Her dad sometimes offers to assist with any orders and it is sweet to see all family bonding that is happening through this woodworking business. Gwen loves her family and her two growing boys, I know they are at the heart of her reasons for starting the business. It is easy to see her love for this type of work too and all the care that she puts in to each piece for her clients.

I’m so glad that I got a chance to visit with Gwen. Now, you have a chance to support a budding small business near you! I know that with every order a small business receives there is a happy dance on the other end of the phone call, email, or facebook message! If you are looking for custom patio furniture, a new table for your kitchen or dining room, or restoration of an existing piece…I know that Gwen would love to hear from you.

Check out the Woodhouse and Co page on Facebook!

For inquiries, including custom orders, restoration, or pricing, please contact Guinevere Sturch by phone at (817) 980-6163 or by email at