Perfect Cold Brew Coffee – Three Methods

You want a great cup, whether cold brew is your preferred drink of choice or you rotate to it during the hot summer months. Perfect cold brew coffee can be made at home! I purchased three different cold brew makers to review. The same coffee was used in all three makers, Oak Cliff Coffee Roaster’s Ronald Tunque, Peru. I used one cup coarse ground coffee and four cups of water in each brewer. They sat on my counter for twelve hours. Let’s get ready for a delicious caffeine rush!

These are the coffee makers & accessories I purchased:
Semko Cold Brew Coffee Maker
Bodum French Press
Coffee Sock Filter, 64oz Mason Jar, and Mason Jar Lid w/handle

The Semko is made from borosilicate glass, which makes this carafe a bit stronger than some of the other similar types available. The filter is easily removable, double-fine mesh, and made from stainless steel. I love the airtight seal too! This maker yielded the sweetest of the coffee notes. No bitter taste was found from the front or back notes. After 12 hours, the color was still light amber, so I’d leave it to brew for longer next time to make a stronger cup.

Semko Cold Brew Coffee Maker
Semko Cold Brew Coffee Maker

Next up for review is the trusty Bodum French Press! I know that the french press is a more common kitchen item, so I really wanted to know the results of this test. The French Press yielded the cup with the most bitter taste. I’m not saying that the French Press can’t work, but it needs some tweaking and some sweet milk! The color of the coffee was the darkest, so I’d start by reducing the amount of beans. I’d aim for a 1/2 cup of coarse ground coffee and stick with the 4 cups of water. Reducing the brew time would help too.

The Coffee Sock in a 64oz mason jar was a new experience for me! I do like that the filter is reusable and made from organic cotton. It was crafted in Austin, TX, and I love supporting a company from my home state! The Coffee Sock yielded a delightfully smooth cup and was lightly sweet. The coffee color was a medium amber and I would increase the amount of coffee grounds to water ratio. I like that I can make a big batch with the 64oz mason jar, as there was enough space to double the amount of coffee yielded. Perfect for making and sharing with friends and family.

The Coffee Sock, 64oz Mason Jar, and Lid with Handle
The Coffee Sock, 64oz Mason Jar, and Lid with Handle

One thing for sure it that I’ll be drinking lots of cold brew coffee this summer! I enjoyed the Semko and the Coffee Sock the best. I will be adjusting brew time and coffee to water ratios for both makers. I’ll update here with those findings! I loved the sweetness of the roast from OCCR. It had notes of apples, pistachio, and brown sugar. Milk or sugar is optional with such a delicious roast!

Until next time, may your coffee be perfect and life just as sweet.
– Erin

For questions or comments, feel free to email me:

Links are affiliated. I appreciate the support!

Cup of Encouragement – Coffee Klatch Board

Coffee Klatch Board

I’ve seen some really cute charcuterie boards on Pinterest and I hope to make one someday, but I tend to consume COFFEE way more than wine. That’s when the idea for a food pairing board, specifically aimed at coffee drinkers, came to mind. I gathered the ingredients from my local grocer and brought it all to my parent’s house to assemble. My mother actually came up with the name for the board, “Coffee Klatch”. The word “Klatch” has its origins in Germany. We do have some German heritage in our family. My mother also lived in Germany for a time…in a castle! Dreamy, right?! I love that story, I’ll have to tell it to you later, but there actually is a German word specifically for a meeting or conversation that happens over coffee, “Kaffeeklatsch”.

The way I chose my food items for the board came from my knowledge of a coffee flavor wheel. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at different ones and I now have one taped up by my coffee making station in the kitchen. This is the one I have printed and on my wall. Here is another one that is interactive and printable. These coffee flavor wheels will be your guide to creating a Coffee Klatch Board that your friends and family will enjoy!

In order to not go overboard in price, I chose to stick with a few fruits and some food items I could get from the bulk bins. For example, an entire bag of coconut shreds would have been more expensive than the small scoop that I needed for the board. I bought the nuts from the bulk bins too. It was much cheaper for me that way and then I didn’t end up with extra. I picked out the cheapest fruit options that looked the best and that I knew would pair well with my coffee selections. For the chocolate covered pretzels and peanut brittle, I got the store brand. This board did not include any pastries, but I’m hoping to do a larger Coffee Klatch Board soon to showcase what that could look like if you wanted some heartier offerings.

I have completed some coffee cuppings at home with various coffees from the grocery store, craft roasters, or local (to me) Texas roasters. Your best bet, if you want to choose a coffee outside what you normally purchase is to find a store that sells bulk coffee. You can get a few tablespoons of whole beans, of as many kinds as you want, so you can try a coffee cupping at home. Now, many coffee roasters label their beans with specific notes that they find during their own cupping process. These are helpful for directing you on whether you are getting a coffee with fruit, chocolate, earthy, or other notes. Read, discern, and think about what flavors you normally gravitate towards.

Some coffee shops sell their own roast or they choose a local roaster. Your local coffee shop should be able to help you choose a roast or two if you don’t have time to do a tasting at home. When I visit a coffee shop, I usually aim for their drip coffee of the day. I make it a point to ask them what they have on drip, so that I have an idea of what flavors might be present in the coffee. And if you aren’t sure when they say, “We have a roast from Peru today”, ask them about the notes you’ll find in that particular cup. Your barista is there to help you! Be sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see what coffee shops I am recommending in the DFW (Texas) area. Even if you aren’t in Texas…stop on by my page for some coffee images to brighten your day!

Coffee Klatch Board

The last and really most important thing to do is INVITE some friends or family over for coffee! Who knows what wonderful conversations will be had and how friendship connections will grow, when you get a group together to just enjoy some coffee. That’s really what this whole “Coffee Mama Bear” thing is about…friendship, encouragement, and coffee. We can ALWAYS use more of those things in our lives!

If you are a craftsman, artisan, maker of cute things, and you live in the DFW area, I would love to chat.
I also accept coffee donations…are you a coffee roaster?!
We can totally be friends. Like, right now.

Feel free to reach me at

Cup of Encouragement – 5 Must Try Coffee Roasts!

Coffee for Two
Coffee for Two, Please

I’m not a morning person. My first born is not a morning person either. We get each other. My youngest…she pops her head off the pillow with a smile on her face. Have you ever seen someone do that?! Literally wake up with a smile. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! She’ll run in to my room, tap me on the shoulder and say, “Mom, MOM, MOMMMEEEE! I’m awake!” Lately, she has been adding, “I’m a morning person, right, Mommy?” to this routine. Oh goodness, she melts my heart, so I can’t be mad, but I still need coffee.

Since I have tried a plethora of coffees and because I feel we could all benefit from a good cup…here are some coffee brands and blends to try. Make sure to check out my “Top 10” section to make sure you have some great coffee accessories like a coffee bean grinder, air lock storage container, a kettle, or even a french press! Now, let’s get some pep in your step, a gleam in your eye, and give your tired mind a wake-up call with one of these delicious coffees! Or as my husband would say…some yum yum in your tum tum.

Queen Anne Roasters – Seattle, WA

Queen Anne Roasters – Ghost Alley Blend
Smooth, smooth, smooth. Maple syrup, molasses, and gentle almond notes are present in this roast. Queen Anne Roasters (based in Seattle, WA) even told me that I nailed their flavors! I did a coffee cupping tutorial on Facebook with this blend. I totally geeked out when they commented on my Instagram post and I want to try more roasts from them. This blend has Ethiopian, Uganda, Brazilian, and Indian Robusta beans. Unique and well crafted, they are so smart with this roast.

Pearl Cup Coffee – Costa Rica Blend
I stumbled upon this blend after a visit to Pearl Cup’s Richardson location. This Costa Rica blend was on drip and I’m so glad that I had a chance to experience this roast. Chocolate and nutty flavors shined through, making this a very delightful cup! You’ll have to make a trip one of their shops to pick up this roast – Richardson, Plano, or Dallas (Preston Hollow). They have many options for your coffee pleasure, including french press, chemex, kalita pour-over, and much more.

Pearl Cup – Richardson, TX

Apropos Roasters – Coffee Subscription
Does someone in your family or one of your friends love coffee? Do you love them too? I got two words for you…COFFEE SUBSCRIPTION. Jennie-Mae, owner of Apropos Roasters, was featured on Etsy and her story is worth a read! This will be a coffee that your gift receiver will RAVE to you about and hopefully, you’ll get an invite to partake too! Jennie gives excellent customer service and can create a custom order. She creates some of the cutest wedding favors featuring her coffee! If you’re ever in Richmond, VA check out Sefton Coffee Company to get a taste of Apropos Roasters!

Addison Coffee Roasters – Kenya Peaberry
I never ever EVER purposefully tried a coffee described as having “fruit notes”. Fruit…in coffee…WHY? I’m just imaging someone dropping half a peach in my coffee. (Let’s just side step the fact that coffee beans are considered a fruit.) Y’all, I found a good one with this peaberry blend. Apricot notes make this a joyful tasting cup and it had no bite to it at all. They described it as “bright” and a “clean cup” and I wholeheartedly agree. It would pair beautifully with a relaxing afternoon and a good book in a garden.

White Rock Coffee Roasters – Brazil Monte Cristo
This Texas coffee roaster hails from Dallas, TX. You can purchase coffee directly from their site. They do source a large part of their coffee through direct trade; from the coffee grower/farm to their roastery. This particular coffee tastes like CHOCOLATE and PEANUTS. A tasty match that I really enjoyed because who doesn’t like chocolate covered peanuts? It’s a timeless flavor pairing that most likely has it’s own trophy in dessert heaven!

Let me know if you purchase from one of these roasters! Come find me on Instagram or Facebook for more coffee related posts and fun. This journey has truly been a blast for me and I can’t wait to share more about my coffee hunting travels, life, and all I discover along the way.

Warmest Wishes and Coffee Dreams,
Erin aka Coffee Mama Bear

Do you have a coffee brand or blend that you LOVE?
Please, share it with me!

Are you a coffee roaster and want to send me coffee?
I’d love to be your friend too.

Do you make cute coffee related cups, mugs, or shirts?
I’d love to feature your handmade items.

Contact me:

Coffee Mama Bear – Self Portrait